Bears and Crabs Make for Good Mornings

ROM Drills, stretch, then 4 rds of:

200m front rack sandbag carry (70#)

10 V-up sit-ups

15 SDLHP’s (72# KB)

10 DB lateral raises (20# DB’s)

15 sandbag squats (70#)


Strength: shoulder press 8-8-8-8, superset with box jumps (24″) 10-10-10-10


MetCon: 5 rds for time of

75′ bear crawl down, 75′ crab walk back

25 double-unders

20 single arm alternating DB snatches (50# DB’s)

15 sandbag good mornings (70# bag)

-AR 20:56, DR 24:03