Dynamic warm-up, then MetCon: Done in the same format as the 12 Days of Christmas song (1, then 2, 1, then 3,2,1…) Set of shuttle sprints (50′ down and back x 2) Man-makers (35# DB’s) Standing broad jumps Toes-to-bar Overhead backwards ball throws (30# slam ball) Sandbag box step-ups (24″ box, 70# sandbag, each side) Ring […]
Tag Archives: step-ups
Long, dynamic Warm-up, then 10 rds of: 10 back squats (135#) 10 ring pull-ups 10 hand-release plate push-ups 10 sit-ups -AR 14:02 (scaled), DR 24:52 3 rds of 1:00 minute stations: Box step-ups (20″) Kicks on heavy bag Plank hold Stretch and drink lots of water
ROM Drills, Dynamic Warm-up, then 25-20-15-10-5 Russian KB Swings (62#) Burpees Strength: Deadlifts 5-5-5-5-5, superset with heavy bag work (1:00, 1:00, 1:00, 1:00, 1:00) MetCon: 3 rds for time of 20 push-press (95#) 10 knees-to-elbows 5 sandbag box step-ups, each side (70# bag and 24″ box) -DR & AR 6:15
ROM Drills, then warm-up with 12,11,10,9…down to 1 reps of: Double-unders Russian swings (62# KB) Goblet squats (62# KB) Strength: Shoulder press 10-12 reps, 6-8, 3-5, then a burn-out set. Superset with flutter kicks (25, 25, 25, 50 each side) MetCon: 15-12-9-6-3 reps of Handstand push-ups Sandbag box step-ups (70#, 24″ box) Knees-to-elbows […]
ROM Drills,then warm-up with: Tabata (0:20 seconds of work, 0:10 seconds of rest x 8 rounds per exercise. Record the lowest number of reps completed for each) Med-ball squat-cleans (20#) -DR 8, AR 8 Russian Twists (35# plate) -DR 15, AR 18 Supine pull-ups -DR 9, AR 10 Handstand hold -DR, AR completed Strength: […]