Tag Archives: squat-cleans

Jump To It!

Did you set some resolutions for 2016?  Remember, when it comes to fitness, something is better than nothing.  Give yourself time to work back into it.  Have a plan, and even more importantly, an accountability partner.  Too many people jump back in thinking they can pick right up where they left off, get extremely sore, […]

Time for Tabata

ROM Drills,then warm-up with: Tabata (0:20 seconds of work, 0:10 seconds of rest x 8 rounds per exercise.  Record the lowest number of reps completed for each) Med-ball squat-cleans (20#)  -DR 8, AR 8 Russian Twists (35# plate)  -DR 15, AR 18 Supine pull-ups  -DR 9, AR 10 Handstand hold  -DR, AR completed   Strength: […]