Get up, Jerk!


Today’s workout was awesome.  Still sore from yesterday and then piled more on today.  So I crushed a huge breakfast: four eggs, brown rice, spinach, tomato, and avocado.  Muscle fuel!

Dynamic Warm-up, then 4 rds of:

10 Turkish get-ups (5 each side, 35# DB)

10 goblet squats (62# KB)

7’s (7 bottom-half curls, 7 top-half curls, 7 full curls, 35# DB’s)

5 strict handstand push-ups


Strength: Split jerks 5-5-5-3-2, superset with standing DB side crunches 20-20-20-20-20 (each side, 35# DB)



Buy-in of 100 Double-unders, then 4 rds of:

200m farmer’s carry (50# DB’s)

20 single arm DB snatches (10 each side, 50# DB)

15 In-and-outs (abs)

10 straight bar curls (74# bar)

Then finish with 100 double-unders

-Pretty pumped to have set TWO new PR’s of my double-unders.  On my buy-in I got 74 unbroken, and on the cash out I beat it with 78 double-unders unbroken!


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