We had a week of workouts that left us feeling like we’d been run over. We took the day off yesterday to recover, but didn’t feel 100% like ourselves today. Sometimes, you just have to push through it…
Stretch, Run 1 mile, Range of Motion (ROM) Drills, then
21-15-9 of:
Russian KB Swings (72#)
Butt-to-ball squats
Hand-release push-ups
Strength: Bench 5-5-3-3-3, superset with behind the head DB triceps extensions 15-15-15-15-15 (60# DB)
100 mountain climbers, then
10 clapping push-ups
10 box jumps (30″)
10 dips (feet up, hands on bench)
100 Side touches, then
15 clapping push-ups
15 butt-to-ball squats
15 dips
100 ab-mat sit-ups, then
10 clapping push-ups
10 box jumps (30″)
10 dips
Finish with 1 mile run